framebuffer's bitslices

i made a furry badge out of laser-cut cardboard





link to video on yt

wait how long did it take you to do it?????

the build itself, 8h of labour. add to that a dozen of fucking around and finding out the logistics of going physical

was it expensive?

let's say: it's different from digital artwork.

but frame, why?

how bout i do, anyway? 🌈

nah, for real, because I didn't have a badge. and gonna make it to WüFF 2024 whatever it takes.

if you wanna know the full story, skip to the end. TL;DR: necessity is the mother of invention.

is that you on the pic?


i aspire to resemble my fursona a bit more. in all aspects but physical, am a doggo (with horns). woof.

why this technique/material?

it's what I used for arch models way back when. but this time, I actually built something I like.

was it worth it?

made me fall in love with something I hated. it's that powerful.

now what?

uhhhhhh dunno, actually. forgor to document the whole process but I have a 20s video off it to spam at my socials.

maybe someone would like these kinda things???? vote now on your chosts!

can I have one?


if you have any idea with this kinda technique, and are willing to pay for it, including shipping, sure!

it's not like it's thousands of dollars. but it takes a loooot of skill and time to get it right. and this is the first one i've ever done like this. economies of scale and all that.

hey uhhh, is it limited to badges?

nah, you can do a lot of stuff with this.

the boring reason

i kinda have it hard atm. lot's of ideas, but nothing concrete. being a responsible adult means I should've done this months ago, but it's all said and done.

doing what you love for a living is such a complicated topic. and even harder, is how you get to it. if I ever have the pressure, gear and knowledge to do so, now is the time to try.

i feel like i've fucked up so bad time and time again that I don't know if I can, or if I will, or deserve so. but each subsequent fuckup, is less disastrous than the last.

this is a gamble into independence, hedged by another bet inside what I was doing before [the event]. idk, I have so much passion for this that it took me out of my bed and put me to do something.

necessity is, indeed, the mother of invention. and also that Frank Zappa band.

addendum: video

why is it so shaky?

took it with a Canon T1 and a Helios lens that's fully manual, works from 1.5m and above, and has no stabiliser. it's painful but it's so good, I've used the 18-55mm like a dozen times, and the other one like hundreds.

the music?

i did it on ableton. same as doing the badge itself. 1h doing the actual composing, 1h of mastering, 4h of figuring out how ableton works. first track I completed on it and it's 20 seconds lol

the font?

fantasque sans mono it's also the one I use for my terminal and to code. 11/10